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- video input and/or output signals are a subset of Y,U,V and R,G,B
- video communication data type is VYApixel
- pixel-based modules receive/produce no size information
- line-based modules receive/produce line length
- image-based modules receive/produce image size and image type (opt.)
- line length, image size and image type outputs only provided when modified by module
- input line length or image size is parameterized and checked by checkSize
- input and output bit precision is parameterized and checked by checkPrecision
- internal bit precision can handle 16-bit input range and is indicated by comments
- video output signals are properly rounded, normalized and clipped
- no frontend/backend specific information is passed to/from the module
- names of files, processes, variables, ports and fifo's are clear and descriptive
- names of ports and fifos follow Table3 - Table 5 where applicable
- code is clarified by comments as needed
- all files contain up-to-date headers
- the code layout is neat and contains no tabs
- print statements are only for signalling errors or for diagnostic purposes
- signalling of errors in low-rate control parameters uses unconditional print statements
- signalling of errors in pixel-rate video data is through the assert function
- signalling for diagnostic purposes is conditional to compiler directive VERBOSE
- assert is default turned off by defining compiler directive -DNDEBUG in the makefile
- no static variables are used
- no pointers are communicated over fifos
- code files contain no hard paths to other files
- type casts are explicit
- floating point variables are used only when needed
- modules other than frontend, backend and control perform no file I/O
- a test bench with frontend, backend and control modules is provided along with a makefile
- video test sequences and their responses are provided
- a document with the framework outlined in Section 14 is provided
- all files are stored in a directory tree that follows Section 15
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