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- 1
F. Balarin et al.,
Hw.-sw. co-design of embedded systems: the Polis approach,
Kluwer, 1997.
- 2
J.T. Buck,
Static scheduling of code generation from dynamic dataflow graphs with integer
valued control signals,
Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, 508-513, 1994.
- 3
W. Chang, S. Ha and E.A. Lee,
Heterogeneous Simulation - Mixing Discrete-Event Models with Dataflow,
Journal of VLSI Processing 15, 127-144, 1997.
- 4
T. Grötker, R. Schoenen and H. Meyr,
PCC: A Modeling Technique for Mixed Control/Data Flow Systems,
European Design & Test Conf., 482-486, 1997.
- 5
Mentor Graphics,
DSP Station User's Manual,
San Jose, CA 95131, USA.
- 6
F. Boussinot and R. de Simone,
The Esterel Language,
Proc. IEEE 79, 1293-1304, 1991.
- 7
E.A. Lee and D.G. Messerschmidt,
Synchronous data flow,
Proc. IEEE 75, 1235-1245, 1987.
- 8
A.J. Martin,
An axiomatic definition of synchronization primitives,
Acta Informatica 16, 219-235, 1981.
- 9
A.J. Martin,
The Probe: An Addition to Communication Primitives,
Information Processing Letters 20, 125-130, 1985.
- 10
J.T. Buck et al.,
A platform for heterogeneous simulation and prototyping,
Proc. 1991 European Simulation Conf., 1991.
- 11
Cadence Design Systems,
SPW User's Manual,
Foster City, CA 94404, USA.
- 12
M. von der Beeck,
A comparison of statecharts variants,
Proc. Formal Techniques in Real Time and Fault Tolerant Systems, 128-148, 1994.
- 13
A.J. Martin,
Programming in VLSI: From Communicating Processes to Delay-Insensitive
Developments in Concurrency and Communication, C.A.R. Hoare (ed.),
Addison-Wesley, 1990.
- 14
G. Bilsen et al.,
Static scheduling of multi-rate cyclo-static DSP applications,
Proc. Workshop on VLSI Signal Processing, 137-146, 1994.
- 15
E.A. Lee and T.M. Parks,
Dataflow process networks,
Proc. IEEE 83, 773-801, 1995
- 16
Gilles Kahn,
The Semantics of a Simple Language for Parallel Programming,
Proc. of the IFIP Congress 74,
North-Holland Publishing Co,
- 17
C.A.R. Hoare,
Communicating Sequential Processes,
Communications of the ACM 21, 666-677, 1978.
- 18
Bart Kienhuis, Ed Deprettere, Kees Vissers, Pieter van der Wolf,
An Approach for Quantitative Analysis Of Application-Specific
Dataflow Architectures,
July 14-16, 1997.
- 19
Stanley B. Lippman,
C++ Primer,
Addison Wesley, 1991.
- 20
Pieter van der Wolf, Paul Lieverse, Mudit Goel, David La Hei, Kees Vissers,
An MPEG-2 Decoder Case Study as a Driver for a System Level
Design Methodology, in Proc. CODES'99.
- 21
Pieter Struik, SLAM User Manual, version 2.0,
Software TV Doc. No. 098, Oct 1, 1996.
- 22
Jean-Yves Brunel, Erwin de Kock, Wido Kruijtzer, Arjan Kenter, Wim Smits,
Communication Refinement in Video Systems on Chip,
in Proc. CODES'99.
- 23
Kees van Zon,
VYA: Applying YAPI to Video,
Philips Research USA - TN-2000-025, 2000.
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