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The outline of the document is as follows.

Chapter 1 describes the basic concepts of YAPI and the typical design flow in which it is applied. Furthermore it describes the model of computation and related work in this area. Since this chapter introduces the terminology for the rest of this document we suggest that you read this chapter.

Chapter 2 is the application designer's guide. This chapter should be read by application designers who wish to write or understand YAPI applications. The outline of this chapter is as follows.

Section 2.1 is a tutorial in which the programming primitives are introduced step by step by following the design of a simple application. This section is intended for newbies in YAPI application programming.
Section 2.2 describes all the details you need to know when you write complex application programs with YAPI. This section is intended for the more experienced users.
Section 2.3 describes a run-time environment that you can use to execute YAPI applications.
Section 2.4 explains how you can print computation and communication statistics that have been measured during the execution of an application in the run-time environment.
Section 2.5 describes how you can visualize the structure of process networks.
Section 2.6 describes programming guidelines containing the preferred coding style and some design rules. The coding style aims at a uniform layout for all application programs such that they are easier to understand and maintain. The design rules aim to improve the reusability of application programs.
Section 2.7 is the YAPI reference for application designers. It describes the public interface of the YAPI C++ classes that can be used in YAPI applications.
Section 2.8 explains how you can compile your applications.

Chapter [*] describes the installation procedure for the YAPI run-time library.

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