YAPI 2.1.0 |
YAPI 2.0.0 |
YAPI 1.3 |
Solved bugs:
YAPI 1.2 |
Solved bugs:
YAPI 1.1 |
class SelectList : private SelectImpl { public: SelectList (const Id& n) : SelectImpl (n) {}; templatevoid pushBack(const InPort & p, unsigned int n=1); template void pushBack(const OutPort & p, unsigned int n=1); inline unsigned int select (); }; inline unsigned int select(SelectList& l);
Solved bugs:
YAPI 1.0.1 |
inline ostream& getOutStream(); inline ostream& getErrorStream(); inline void setOutStream (ostream& o); inline void setErrorStream (ostream& e);Default the outstream is directed to cout and errorstream is directed to cerr.
Furthermore the printDotty function has an extra optional argument for setting the error stream:
void printDotty(const ProcessNetwork& n, std::ostream& o = std::cout, std::ostream& e = std::cerr);For example:
#include "rte.h" main() { RTE rte; PC pc(); rte.setErrorStream(cout); rte.start(pc); printDotty(pc, cout, cout); }The interface is backward compatible. Thus the previous start() function can also be used but this is depreciated.
Solved bugs:
YAPI 1.0 |
YAPI 0.5 |
YAPI 0.4 |
YAPI 0.3 |