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00001 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
00002  *
00003  * (C) Copyright Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV 2006. 
00004  * All rights reserved. This software is licensed under the terms of
00005  * version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published 
00006  * by the Free Software Foundation. For licensing and warranty
00007  * information, see the file COPYING in the main directory.
00008  *
00009  *------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00011 #include "dmx.h"
00012 #include <stdio.h>
00014 DMX::DMX(
00015   Id            n, 
00016   In<Bits>&     jpegBits,
00017   Out<Bits>&    quantTableBits, 
00018   Out<Bits>&    huffTableBits,
00019   Out<Bits>&    frameHeaderBits,
00020   Out<Bits>&    scanHeaderBits,
00021   Out<Bits>&    MCUBits,
00022   Out<Bits>&    restartIntervalBitsOut,
00023   Out<Marker>&  DHTmarkerOut,
00024   Out<Marker>&  DQTmarkerOut)
00025 :
00026   Process(n),
00027   jpegIn(                 id("jpegIn"),                 jpegBits),
00028   quantizationTableOut(   id("quantizationTableOut"),   quantTableBits),
00029   huffmanTableOut(        id("huffmanTableOut"),        huffTableBits),
00030   frameHeaderOut(         id("frameHeaderOut"),         frameHeaderBits),
00031   scanHeaderOut(          id("scanHeaderOut"),          scanHeaderBits),
00032   MCUOut(                 id("MCUOut"),                 MCUBits),
00033   restartIntervalBitsOutP(id("restartIntervalBitsOutP"),restartIntervalBitsOut),
00034   DHTmarkerOutP(          id("DHTmarkerOutP"),          DHTmarkerOut),
00035   DQTmarkerOutP(          id("DQTmarkerOutP"),          DQTmarkerOut)
00036 { 
00037 }
00039 void DMX::abort()
00040 {
00041   printf("\n");
00042   printf("%s:\n", fullName());
00043   printf("\tERROR:\tAbnormal end of decompression process!\n");
00044   exit(1);
00045 }
00047 void DMX::main()
00048 {
00049   Bits  bits;
00050   Bits  bits1;
00051   Marker  marker;
00053   // get SOI marker
00054   get_marker(marker);
00055   if (marker == SOI_MK)
00056   {
00057     #ifdef VERBOSE
00058       printf("%s:\n\tFound the SOI marker!\n", fullName());
00059     #endif
00060   } else {
00061     #ifdef VERBOSE
00062       printf("%s:\n\tCould not find the SOI marker!\n", fullName());
00063     #endif
00064     abort();
00065   }
00067   // get next marker
00068   get_marker(marker);   
00069   while (marker != EOI_MK)  
00070   {
00071     Bits firstc;
00072     Bits nextc;
00073     unsigned int size;
00075     switch (marker) 
00076     {
00077       case COM_MK:
00078                   #ifdef VERBOSE
00079                   printf("%s:\n\tSkipping comments\n", fullName());
00080                   #endif
00081                   get_marker(marker);
00082                   break;
00084       case DQT_MK:
00085                   #ifdef VERBOSE
00086                   printf("%s:\n\tDefining Quantization Tables\n", fullName());
00087                   #endif
00088                   write(DQTmarkerOutP, marker);
00089                   while (get_bits(bits,marker))
00090                   {
00091                     write(quantizationTableOut, bits);
00092                   }
00093                   break;
00095     case SOF_MK:
00096                   #ifdef VERBOSE
00097                   printf("%s:\n\tFound the SOF marker!\n",fullName());
00098                   #endif
00099                   while (get_bits(bits,marker))
00100                   {
00101                     write(frameHeaderOut, bits);
00102                   }
00103                   break;
00105     case DHT_MK:
00106                   #ifdef VERBOSE
00107                   printf("%s:\n\tDefining Huffman Tables\n",fullName());
00108                   #endif
00109                   write(DHTmarkerOutP, marker);
00110                   while (get_bits(bits,marker))
00111                   {
00112                     write(huffmanTableOut, bits);
00113                   }
00114                   break;
00116     case DRI_MK:
00117                   {
00118                     #ifdef VERBOSE
00119                     printf("%s:\n\tDefining Restart Interval\n",fullName());
00120                     #endif
00121                     write(DHTmarkerOutP, marker); 
00123                     read(jpegIn, firstc);
00124                     size = firstc;
00125                     read(jpegIn, nextc);
00126                     size = (size<<8) | nextc; // big endian
00128                     for(unsigned int i=0; i<size-2; i++)
00129                     {
00130                       read(jpegIn, bits);
00131                       write(restartIntervalBitsOutP, bits);
00132                     }
00134                     get_marker(marker);
00136                     break;
00137                   }
00138     case SOS_MK:
00139                   {
00140                     #ifdef VERBOSE
00141                     printf("%s:\n\tFound the SOS marker!\n",fullName());
00142                     #endif
00143                     write(DHTmarkerOutP, marker); 
00144                     write(DQTmarkerOutP, marker); 
00146                     read(jpegIn, firstc);
00147                     write(scanHeaderOut, firstc);
00148                     size = firstc;
00149                     read(jpegIn, nextc);
00150                     write(scanHeaderOut, nextc);
00151                     size = (size<<8) | nextc; // big endian
00153                     for(unsigned int i=0; i<size-2; i++)
00154                     {
00155                       read(jpegIn, bits);
00156                       write(scanHeaderOut, bits);
00157                     }
00159                     bool newmarker;
00160                     newmarker = false;
00161                     while (!newmarker)
00162                     {
00163                       read(jpegIn, bits);
00164                       if (bits != 0xFF)
00165                       {       
00166                         write(MCUOut, bits);
00167                       } else {
00168                         read(jpegIn, bits1);
00169                         if (bits1 == 0x00 || RST_MK(0xFF00|bits1))
00170                         {
00171                           write(MCUOut, bits);
00172                           write(MCUOut, bits1);
00173                         } else {
00174                           marker = (0xFF00 | bits1);
00175                           newmarker = true;
00176                         }
00177                       }
00178                     }
00179                     break;
00180                    }  
00181     case EOF:
00182                   #ifdef VERBOSE
00183                   printf("%s:\n\tRan out of input data!\n",fullName());
00184                   #endif
00185                   abort();
00187     default:
00188                   {
00189                     if ((marker&MK_MSK) == APP_MK) 
00190                     {
00191                       Bits firstc;
00192                       Bits nextc;
00193                       unsigned int size;
00195                       read(jpegIn, firstc);
00196                       size = firstc;
00197                       read(jpegIn, nextc);
00198                       size = (size<<8) | nextc; // big endian
00200                       #ifdef VERBOSE
00201                       printf("%s:\n\tSkipping application data\n",fullName());
00202                       #endif
00203                       for(unsigned int i=0; i<size-2; i++)
00204                       {
00205                         read(jpegIn, bits);
00206                       }
00208                       get_marker(marker);
00209                     } else {
00210                       #ifdef VERBOSE
00211                       printf("%s:\n\tWARNING:\tLost sync outside scan, %x!\n",fullName(),marker);
00212                       #endif
00213                       abort();
00214                     }
00215                     break;
00216                   }
00217     } /* end switch */
00218   }
00219   #ifdef VERBOSE
00220   printf("%s:\n\tFound the EOI marker!\n",fullName());
00221   #endif
00222 }
00224 bool DMX::get_bits(Bits& bits, Marker& marker)
00225 {
00226   read(jpegIn, bits);
00227   if (bits == 0xFF)
00228   {
00229     read(jpegIn, bits);
00230     if (bits == 0x00)
00231     {
00232       bits = 0xFF;
00233       return true;
00234     } else {
00235       marker = (0xFF00 | bits);
00236       return false;
00237     }
00238   }
00239   return true;
00240 }
00242 void DMX::get_marker(Marker& marker)
00243 {
00244   Bits bits;
00245   while (get_bits(bits,marker));
00246 }

Generated on Wed Feb 15 14:52:45 2006 for jpegdec by doxygen 1.3.2