The implementation of read, write, select, and execute actions are a concern of a system designer. Note that different read, write, select, and execute actions may be implemented in different ways, for instance, because some actions are executed in hardware and other actions are executed in software.
One of the design decisions is to determine the size of the fifos in order to obtain an implementation in finite memory. Deadlock can occur if they are too small, because the size of the fifos limits the set of reachable schedules. Going from unbounded to bounded fifos changes Axiom 1.5.1 such that for all channels it holds that at any time a write action and a read action are not blocked simultaneously, the number of produced tokens minus the number of consumed tokens is bounded by the size of the channel, and the functionality is first-in-first-out. Formally, this is denoted as follows.
Another design decision is the implementation of the notion of `eventually' in
the select function. For process networks that cannot be scheduled off-line,
for instance due to data-dependent functionality, we have chosen to strengthen
the expression
in the postcondition of the
select function to
. We obtain the number
of committed tokens
through the number of tokens of the read and
write actions, i.e., the initiation of a read or write action of
sets a commitment that decreases during transfer of the tokens. As a result the
scheduling horizon is limited to one communication action, i.e., a select
action takes one incomplete read or write action into account. Again this
introduces deadlock if the size of the fifos is too small. Note that if the
process network is a dataflow process network, then the firing rules can be
implemented with select actions. In that case the read and write actions do not
have to stall because the firing rules satisfy Axiom 1.6.1.
The above-mentioned design decisions are used in the YAPI run-time library that is used by application designers to simulate the functionality of a process network on a workstation. Other YAPI implementations, in particular those proposed in COSY [22] and SPADE [20], target mixed hardware and software realizations in systems-on-chip. In the initial stage of the design process, these implementations are abstract performance models to allow fast design space exploration. Subsequently, these performance models are refined into cycle-accurate models to allow final implementation.